Adrian Eaton
1 min readSep 28, 2020


So true! Even worse is that "urban renewal" is only "needed" as a result of these communities falling apart after they were intentionally abandoned and underfunded by the white, ruling class. We now study "White Flight" in our schools as a moment in history. But people don't seem to realize how mind-bendingly-recent that was and how it's affecting our communities still to this day. I certainly want to write more about this and the "War on Drugs" rhetoric that people used to mask their racism in the 80s onwards. As you mentioned, it was really a "War on Communities of Color." We can't just take to the streets for a couple weeks and consider ourselves absolved of all responsibility for correcting these living conditions. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your posts, Hal! I wrote a bit about media framing here, if you're interested:

